Employer Blog

3 Tips To Reactivate Your Workforce After Covid-19

Written by admin | May 8, 2020 9:46:37 PM

Emergence from the COVID-19 crisis is on the horizon.  Right now though, being on furlough or working at home probably means all of us are doing more sitting and snacking than normal.  To help employees stay physically fit and ready to return to work, here are 3 great tips to share:

  1. Walking offers a reason to get out of the house. Even in cities where “shelter in place” is in effect, going outside for exercise is allowed with social distancing. Walking can be tracked by time, such as walking for 30 minutes.  Pedometers, measured walking courses, Fitbits/smartwatches or even the health apps on Smartphones can be used.
  2. When watching television, everyone benefits from alternating standing with sitting. Commercial breaks can be used as the break points as well as alternating standing until the first commercial break, sitting until the second break and standing until the third break, etc. If watching programming without commercial breaks (such as movies or streaming shows), alternating 15-minute sitting and standing periods can be effective.
  3. It’s important to set aside time for stretching.  Simple things include changing positions regularly and taking 2 mini breaks every hour to stretch arms, legs and the neck.  It even helps to look away from the computer once every 20 minutes.

As you prepare your return to work plan, WorkWell can help.  Contact us today.