
<span id=WorkWell Expands WorkFIT to Onsite Physical Therapy (PT) Clinics to Strengthen Employee Retention and Workplace Safety Image" />

WorkWell Expands WorkFIT to Onsite Physical Therapy (PT) Clinics to Strengthen Employee Retention and Workplace Safety

Return to Work Testing Offered Along with Treatment at Onsite PT Clinics Helps Keep Employees in the Workforce

Duluth, Minnesota – June 7, 2022WorkWell, the experts in preventing and treating sprains, strains, and back pain, today announced that its WorkFIT program is now available in its Onsite PT clinics. The WorkFIT program provides a functional test to determine an employee’s readiness for return-to-work activities after an injury or illness to ensure that they can safely perform all of the essential physical requirements of their job.

“In today’s tight labor market, where organizations struggle with retention, it is more critical than ever to keep employees engaged,” said Karil Reibold, Chief Executive Officer at WorkWell. “The combination of onsite treatment and WorkFIT allows companies to stay closer to their employees, even when ill or injured, which helps boost employee retention.”

By conducting return-to-work testing at an onsite PT clinic, clinicians can identify task modifications, accommodations, or other restricted work options so that employees remain present in the workplace. As a result, employees stay actively engaged with the company rather than being entirely out of the workforce, promoting employee retention.

Compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), WorkFIT screens are based on a worker’s capability to perform specific job functions for fitness for duty when considering returning to work. The program allows employers to make legal, fair, and non-discriminatory decisions regarding employees returning to work.

For more information, click here.
