Prevent It

WorkWell's Workplace Injury Prevention Blog

Happy New Year! Time to set Intention

For me, the beginning of a new year allows time to reflect on the previous year and look at the new year with fresh eyes. It is like a blank sheet of paper ready to be written on.

I ask myself questions like:

  • What do I want to change in 2024?
  • What can I let go of?
  • What matters most in the new year?
  • What will have the most impact?
  • And what do I want to achieve in 2024?

Unlike a formal planning session and budget – we do those things, too -  this process is more about setting an intention and looking at your goals and what you want to accomplish. I do this both in my personal life and in my workplace.

Some reflection and thoughts for your human resource and safety goals for 2024. What does taking care of your employees look like this year?

  • Can we invest time and resources to shift from reactive to proactive regarding workplace injuries?
  • Change happens with consistency and presence. Can we add an onsite MSK clinic to address early aches and pains, proactive ergonomics, and build an MSK/ ERGO presence within the organization?
  • Are our functional job descriptions a bit dusty? Now is a great time to update them with the current physical demands of the job.
  • Should we create functional job descriptions that document the job's physical demands?
  • Should we implement a POET program?  Administered post-offer/pre-hire, it ensures the job candidate can perform the identified physical and functional demands. Employers can decrease the risk of musculoskeletal injuries in their organization by not hiring those who fail the test. Plus, it helps job candidates understand the expectations and reality of the work they might be performing.  
  • Along with an onsite MSK clinic, can we offer a focused program around movement or health and wellness that encourages and supports employees in a healthier lifestyle?

Sometimes, change begins with a single step, a new intention, or a reflection that emerges from a blank sheet of paper. When you step back and look at the last 12 months, you can use that as a lens to look forward. In that pause, a world of possibility opens to you and your organizations.
